Rose Olmos

My interest in beauty started as a toddler, I was the ultimate girly-girl. I had my mom change my nail polish every other day, and when no one was looking you could find me changing my outfits several times a day. Once I got a bit older she allowed me to play with her makeup and that opened up a whole new world for me. That is where my passion for all things beauty and skin care started. (Thanks, Mom!) About twenty years later and that same passion is still there!

My main goal is to promote self-love and to make people feel like their best selves. Whether it be through facials, skin treatment plans or waxing, I will do all that I can to help you find relaxation and confidence. We all deserve to be pampered and to love the skin that we’re in. My treatment room is a judge free zone, your voice is important to me and you will be heard, so please come as you are. I look forward to seeing you all!