Ashley Brierton/Curl Specialist/ Colorist

My love for hair started way back on the aisle of the grocery store when my mother took me shopping. I was obsessed with the beautiful women that were on the front of the hair color boxes. Even more than that, I was hopelessly mesmerized with the endless swatches of hair that lined the aisles. 

 I chose my career as a Stylist because I finally realized that life was too short to go to work daily merely to end my work day feeling unfulfilled. I am a creator. I live to create whether it is home décor, planning a party, creating the perfect blonde or sculpting curly hair. The sense of happiness, success and fulfillment that I feel when I create the perfect blonde or turn my “curly girl” around to see herself in the mirror when I am done is priceless. Words don’t express how happy it makes me to see my “curly girl” look at her curls and see them as beautiful, as an asset, for the first time. 

My desire and determination to become a Curl specialist comes from my personal struggles and insecurity as a “curly girl” myself. I knew there had to be something out there for us “curly girls”. Thus began my quest for complete and full knowledge about curly hair. I recognized that it was my calling and duty to be the stylist that the curl community could trust, feel safe and find comfort in.

 When choosing me as your Stylist, you can always expect constant and continuing education to provide you with the best experience for your hair.